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Fresh Routes

  • Manchester Tower - Community Space 5757 2 Street Southwest Calgary, AB, T2H 3B6 Canada (map)

Every Wednesday, shop for healthy foods at a fraction of the costs.

Fresh Routes is a not-for-profit social enterprise that is focused on creating new, innovative ways of providing healthy and affordable food to as many Canadians as possible — especially those who need it most.

Our Mobile Grocery Stores brings healthy, fresh, and affordable food into neighbourhoods facing barriers — allowing choice, maintaining dignity, and building community.

Our mission is to ensure that everyone has access to affordable, nutritious food and is informed to make healthy decisions and live a healthy life! Fresh Routes believes in dignified food access for all. This means providing affordable, convenient, inclusive, and culturally appropriate options to our clients. We require no proof of income to access our services. We know that for families struggling to put food on the table, a dignified approach to food security makes all the difference.

For more information on Fresh Routes, or to donate, please visit their website.

February 1

Fresh Routes

February 21

Good Food Box Order Deadline